Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PSA: 1, 2, 3, Check your cap for me!

I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about the dangers of improper Sriracha use.  Just the other day I was getting prepared to perform my next experiment and began to shake my holy bottle and next thing I knew the experiment became much broader than expected.  Suddenly I was tasked with finding out the quality of Sriracha on the dish washer, on my hair, on my face, on the floor, and on my daughter.  I learned 4 things that day:

1) My daughter took it like a champ.
2) Sriracha does not do anything for the flavor of hair.
3) Sriracha leaves an interesting burning sensation if left on the skin for too long (I didn't realize I had gotten my face until it was too late).
4) Always check your cap before you shake.

A couple of days later, the second time I made a mess I realized I should actually learn lesson 4.

I hope my cautionary tale of woe has inspired you to practice safe Sriracha.  While the burning is no longer there, the emotional scars may never heal, and no one can save that poor wasted Sriracha.  So join me in thinking of the children, and remember:

1, 2, 3, Check your cap for me!

This has been a public service announcement from the Foundation for Safe Sriracha.

Wakeup call

There's nothing quite like starting your morning with a kick (I know this for a fact since my son likes to kick me every morning when he crawls into bed with me).  This time, I have both my children to thank though.  Realizing that Daddy has a strange habit of putting hot sauce on everything, one of two sentences tend to flow from my daughter for every meal:
A) You should put hot sauce on that.
B) You're not going to put hot sauce on that are you?
Oddly enough I only hear "put hot sauce on that," and so I do!

First up is strawberry pancakes.  I like to make my pancakes small so that I can eat more of them.  Not only that, but the strawberries were special.  As you know by now my tastes are refined and, as such, only strawberries hand picked by either people with PhDs or child labor would suffice for my masterpiece.  The end result was mediocre at best.  Completely unremarkable in either direction.

And next we have French toast.  Here you see dots of red heaven swimming in a shallow lake of maple syrup hydrating a golden land of deliciousness.  Let's just say, I like French toast.  I will say this seemed to fair better than the pancake, mostly thanks to the sweetly spiced syrup (why I didn't syrup my pancake that day I will never know).  I wonder if a little cinnamon would kick it to the next level of amazing...but I digress...This is not a recipe blog. I repeat:
I refuse to fall down the trap of telling you how to re-create what I have made.  This is a chronicle of my adventures, and if you are foolhardy enough to follow in my steps, do so at your own peril.

Right then.  French toast: Two squirts out of two!

Considering this is the second breakfast experiment post I'd say Sriracha is now an essential part of a well balanced breakfast.  Until next time, keep it spicy!