Thursday, May 29, 2014

Have Sriracha, Will Travel

Ladies and Gentlemen!  No thanks to your effort I have found what I have long been searching for: a portable solution to Sriracha cravings that even the TSA can't deny (and I get bonus points for it looking like a mini Sriracha bottle!).  These little treats are actually mini soy sauce bottles for bento boxes, so getting the thick awesome-sauce into the tiny opening was a little tricky, but well worth the effort.  So now stocked with a tiny army of spice...hrmm, maybe I should be careful about my wording with TSA mentioned earlier in the about spice snuggles.  Yes, armed with my army of spice snuggles I am ready to wage war on the unsuspecting foods of the world.  Those 5 Guys thought they were safe from Sriracha bliss.  Froyo slept safe at night.  And movie popcorn has yet to experience the bad decision that I already attempted with home popped popcorn.  BUT NO MORE!  I have Sriracha, and I'm not afraid to use it...

Case in point, exhibit A to the right.  A humble can of salmon.  Yeah, ok, you should know I eat weird since I have this blog in the first place.  At least it is not the can of tuna I used to eat for lunches in high school right?  Anyway, this is a common work lunch of mine.  Sometimes I would mix it with a lentil soup, maybe put it over rice.  Not today.  BAM (as a particular food pornographer might say).  Empty the mini bottle right over my lunch and I discovered 2 things.
  1) These bottles don't hold nearly enough...good thing I have 20.   2) Salmon covered in red is a good thing.
This is a fairly typical application of the sauce of the gods (adding it to fish) so there is not much surprising to say other than it gave a wonderful pop in the middle of the work day.  Mission success.  I give it 2 mini s-bottles out of 1 (because I wish I had 2 to really get proper seasoning).  That comes out to a 200% rating, so I'd say that qualifies for regular adoption.

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